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Re: reality check

To: "Jack W Drews" <>,
Subject: Re: reality check
From: "Tony Clark" <>
Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 19:45:54 -0500
April Fool's Day was last month, Jack, but guess what?  I did that
exact same thing:  when building a transaxle for a race car, I
flipped sides with the ring gear but. . . everything turned out all
right:  What race car was I building?

Jack wrote: 
> Overhauled my differential this weekend. Went for a test drive and
> I had four speeds reverse, one forward. Realizing that I had
> the ring gear on the wrong side, and not wanting to re-do it, I
> wired the starter backwards, reversed the spark plug wires in the
> distributor, and now the engine turns counterclockwise, so
everything is
> OK.
> You believe me, don't you?
> -- 
> uncle jack the carfrek
> TR4 Rallye Replica vintage racer

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