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RE: Helmet, please help!

To: "'Simon Favre'" <>,
Subject: RE: Helmet, please help!
From: Derek Palmer <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 17:33:19 -0800
I'd add one point on driving in the rain at Sears.
It isn't really that bad if you're smooth.
Just remember turn 10 is even nastier in the rain.
Go of outside you go straight into fences protecting 
the bleacher.  On the right you have a wonderful
long concrete wall.  If you loop it there, just remember 
the old rule.  Once you heading in a safe direction (
straight down the track in this case) lock'em up!
I saw three cars hit the concrete wall trying to save it
in the rain.
The spot that is really a problem is between turn twelve 
and one.  You'll have dramatically less grip once you hit the 
beginning of the drag strip.  Nicely polished!  Coming out of 12 
you can put down a fair amount of power, even in the rain.
But, you have to ease off when you hit the strip or you'll break loose
the rears and loop it.  I saw at least 5 cars hit the left wall back in 
early FEB. (944, Vette, RX7,Firebird, and Spec Racer).  
.  Even more looped it. The best line was to line up left
of the center yellow and drive straight at the corner and lighten up
on the throttle as you cross the strip.. You pinch off
the corner, but as the hill rises past the apex you get 
a dry spot to catch yourself.
Just remember to disconnect the nerve that runs from the sphincter
to the right shin muscle and things should go smoothly.

Derek Palmer
67 Austin Healey 3000 MkIII
84 Renault Sports Racer 
87 944 Turbo 
92 Ford Explorer (So my wife won't touch the others!)

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Simon Favre []
        Sent:   Thursday, March 26, 1998 2:11 PM
        Cc:     vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
        Subject:        Re: Helmet, please help!

        Have fun. Driving Sears Point in the rain is a truly
        experience. You may need to change your underwear and re-do your 
        upholstery, tho. ;=)  Just remember these three words: smooth,
        and smooth.

        > Problem solved!
        > Thanks go to Dan Radowicz at the CSRG office who will be
        > loaning me a helmet for tomorrow and bailing my sorry,
        > pathetic, rookie, newbie ass out!

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