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Re: CSRG event question

To:, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: CSRG event question
From: SP VETTE <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 21:52:53 EST
Hi Ted,

I ran the SFR SCCA season opener last weekend at Sears Point. They are running
the by-pass road before turn 7 just after the bridge. It took me a couple a
times through to find a line that worked for me. The track is a few seconds
faster, I got down in the 1:30s. 
Have fun this weekend.
I'm signed up to run the Shelby Club open track May 2nd & 3rd at Thunderhill.
I did a test day up there a couple weeks ago, the new track is very fast.
See you at Thunderhill.

Steve Toth

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