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RE: Australian Group R

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Australian Group R
From: Andrew Pursey <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 15:17:42 +1100

I guess the crunch point comes relative to the longevity of a particular =
category.  For example the Group C Touring Cars in Australia ran as a =
distinct category from 1973 to 1984 (overlapped with Group A Touring =
Cars in 1984).  This provides a clearly defined group of cars, and, all =
cars which seek to run as Group C must have a logbook proving that they =
are a genuine car from that period with a race history (no replicas, =

Under these circumstances it may be easier to roll these cars into =
Historics as a complete block, rather than taking (for example) a =
rolling 25-year rule.  I suppose that the critical thing here is whether =
or not there is an easy cut-off created by either changes in the rules =
at that time, or, significant changes in the technology at that time.  =
One of my concerns is that we don't lose cars that have a genuine racing =
history - in years to come the then current crop of vintage listers will =
curse us if we become so inflexible that a part of their history (as =
distinct from our current recognition) is lost.

BTW - Group C cars are not defined as Historic in the CAMS Historic 5th =
Category in Australia.  However, these cars run under CAMS rules and are =
often an invited category at Open Race Meetings where they are on the =
same programme as modern groups (but not racing together).

Not an easy topic and I don't envy the rule makers, but, it is a topic =
that requires vigilant attention otherwise the rule makers may try to =
avoid it as being "too hard".

Safe motorsport to all for 1998.

....regards...Andrew "Axeman" Pursey....1955 Morris Oxford (racing in =
Group Na pre'58 Classic Saloons), 1956 Morris Isis (almost a daily =
driver) and 1996 Saab 900S Coupe (quality worse than most LBCs and Saab =
attitude to customers worse than BL ever was back in the 70s - don't buy =
a Saab)....alternate email

-----Original Message-----
From:   John A. Rollins []
Sent:   Wednesday, December 24, 1997 12:18 AM
To:     Andrew Pursey
Cc:     'Jeremy Braithwaite'; Vintage Race
Subject:        Re: Australian Group R

Andrew Pursey wrote:
> I know that we've had threads on similar topics in the past, but - =
what is happening overseas with regard to getting later cars, =
particularly genuine ex-racecars, recognised as a Historic category?  =
Surely we can draw a comparison with the US or UK - any suggestions out =
there in Cyberspace?

For now, the SCCA Vintage program in Florida is holding to the pre-1973
cut-off date.  This is due mainly to our being just another group on the
normal SCCA program so we must compete for track time with the other
Club Racing groups.  So far, we are holding our own in this regard by
consistantly being one of the largest, single class grids - including
the IT cars!!!  Other programs (SVRA, HSR, etc.) are moving toward
accepting newer cars.


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