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To: "Mark J Bradakis" <>
Subject: Membership
From: "Andres Sta. Maria" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 17:31:45 +0800

It will be interesting if, as a matter of protocol, posts to the list
identified the city or country of the writer.

Incidentally, your name was mentioned in relation to the TR racers' group.
You should be getting a post soon from our club secretary, Sophie de los
Santos, who plans to race a 1965 TR4A in the 1998 season.  She was doing
very well in the November races at Subic Raceway, until a minor engine
problem forced her to quit.  She is the sole woman racer in our series and,
perhaps more importantly, her car is the only Triumph!  We hope to be able
to coax a TR3 to the circuit one of these days.

The Manila Sports Car Club has six races scheduled next year, with one race
each month commencing February, alternating between two circuits, the
airport course at Subic Bay (about 140 kms North of Manila) and a fairly new
circuit in Batangas (about 90 kms south of Manila).



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Date: Friday, December 12, 1997 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: why membership is small in this newsgroup

>Well, as the list janiitor, I do know how many folks are on it.
>Here's the numbers for the last six months:
>    393     Jul1
>    394     Aug1
>    398     Sep1
>    416     Oct1
>    436     Nov1
>    436     Dec1

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