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Re: why membership is small --Truce

Subject: Re: why membership is small --Truce
From: FHammett <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 20:31:57 EST
Ok, lets call a truce

How about this for a compromis.  Anyone can (and will) post anything they want
on a Newsgroup, even if it concerns only one or several other individuals or
friends.  Or even if it is a private joke, which has no meaning to the
masses.(Humor which we all understand can be appreciated by all)  But in the
subject matter,  one can try to describe the subject so that everyone else
does not have to access and read the first paragraph to find out it doesn't
have general interest. 

Also, thanks to those who emailed me in support , and thanks to those who
flamed me also, at least to those who encluded some humor in the heat,  

For the record ,  I receive in my email about 60/40 in support.  Postings were
probably about 40/60 against. This is understandable concidering the nature of
the complaint. 

Those who already unsubscribed did not respond, but I wonder what their
response would have been?

Finally, I stand corrected.  I did not mean to say that the membership was
down. I dont know if its up or down, But that the variety in the names of
those who participate in posting is very finite.  As one befor me has said,
the same names keep appearing.  Yes most of those are providing informative
info, which is why I subscribe to this newsletter. Thankyou , Thankyou ,
Thankyou,   But to the extent that the newsgroup is used by those who carry on
personal correspondence, others may tune out.

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