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Re: Thicko Fan

To: David Laver <>
Subject: Re: Thicko Fan
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 07:22:50 -0600

Welcome to the Thicko fold.
Perhaps you've had a CAT Scan recently? If not, please do so in advance
of all those that will tell you to get your head examined for hanging
with us.

We actually have become a wrldwide group of vintage race people that
insist on not taking things (including ourselves) too seriously. We
welcome all to the "Thicko Village" paddock at every race track we
attend. There's "chapters" forming on both coasts and in other
countries. For those that don't get to the tracks, we have our own web
site at <>. I'm about 80% done with a major
revision, but please log in to check out a work in progress.

Side note to FHammett... Repent my son, cleanse your soul, (and anything
else that needs cleansing). I'm guessing you're a Porsche guy, but hey,
we've even added some of them to our ranks... (like Dr. Dreadful and Bob
Tenges for those of you who get to the midwest race scene).

Team Thicko

David Laver wrote:

> Dear Mister DisInformation
> I love being a fly on the wall when the dirt is being thrown - makes a
> change
> from the regular email I get when the dirt is going my way and a bit
> more
> important.  I like the list for a reminding me there is life out of
> the office.
>  Please add me to the Thicko list.  I've never seen a US track in my
> life but
> greatly look forward to visiting a meeting one day and in the interim
> enjoy it
> second hand.  You seem to get a lot of fun out of the film shows,
> cookouts,
> clubs within clubs, and childish rivalry.  All power to your elbow (as
> we say
> in Blighty).
> David Laver

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