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Redline stuff [Blatant commercial!]

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Redline stuff [Blatant commercial!]
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 12:15:13 -0700 (MST)
Since folks have been talking about various  Redline products, I'll make use
of my list manager position and tell you that The Fat Chance Garage has in
stock the following:

   Redline MTL, qt.                 $7.00
   Redline SuperCool, 12 oz.        $7.00  (Formerly known as water wetter)
   Redline ATF, qt.                 $8.00  (Maybe your race car needs it, but I
                                            got this for my tow vehicle)

I'm currently out of MT-90, the heavier weight GL4 lube, but may order some
in, probably not until after the first of the year.  Yikes, that's less than
1 month away!

For a more complete listing of FCG items, you can send mail to

with the command

  get autojumble fcg_for_sale.dec97

You will get back in return mail a message with a list of various used and
NOS Triumph bits, some Keizer wheel prices, and a few Earl's and Redline items.

Or you can use ftp to and check out the pub/autojumble directory.


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