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Book - "Vintage Racing British Sports Cars : A Hands on Guide to Buying

To: VINTAGE-RACE@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Book - "Vintage Racing British Sports Cars : A Hands on Guide to Buying and Tuning"
From: (David A. Jones)
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 16:14:15 -0600
Hi guys,
  I was wanting to get started prepping my MGB, or my TR6 for vintage racing
  next year, specifically with the CVAR club here in Texas.  I was looking
  to buy this book "Vintage Racing British Sports Cars : A Hands on Guide to
  Buying and Tuning" but is seems none of the British car places have it....
  Moss, Victoria British, and the Roadster Factory, Amazon Books Online...etc
  anyone have a copy that they want to sell or could tell me if it is worth
  pursuing trying to find a copy.


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