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Re: Monterey car import problem

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Monterey car import problem
From: Jackson Zimmermann <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 14:16:12 -0400
I would call some of the race organizers and see if they know of anyone 
to help you (they have a vested interest in having a car such as yours at 
the event).  If the car is for racing, it will not require an EPA test.  
I'm sure that someone out there may have the legal expertise to help you 
through this EPA nonsense.  Customs should also be able to get you in 
touch with someone who may be able to help you.

The EPA homesite is at

Here are some EPA numbers in California that you can call:
General Public Inquiries                (415) 744-1500
 Regional Receptionist/Employee Locator (415) 744-1305

Some Washington D.C. phone numbers are:
EPA's Imports Hotline           (202) 233-9660

This is some info that I got off the Customs Services site (I WOULD CHECK 

Nonresidents may import an automobile or motorcycle and its usual 
equipment free of duty for a temporary stay to take part in races or 
other specific purposes. However, prior written approval from the EPA is 
required and such approval is granted only to those racing vehicles that 
EPA deems not capable of safe or practical use on streets and highways. 
If the contests are for other than money purposes, the vehicle may be 
admitted for 90 days without formal entry or bond if the Customs officer 
is satisfied as to the importer's identity and good faith.  The vehicle 
becomes subject to forfeiture if it is not exported or if a bond is not 
given within 90 days of its importation. Prior authorization must be 
obtained from DOT (Depatment of Transportation) if the vehicle does not 
conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards. 

Those (vehicles) temporarily imported for research, demonstration, or 
competition, provided they are not licensed for use, or driven, on public 
roads. Parties responsible for such vehicles must submit proper 
documents-that is, forms EPA 3520-1 and DOT HS-7 to Customs at the time 
entry is made. Also, applicable written approvals from these agencies 
must be obtained in advance and presented to Customs along with these 
forms. Remember, the cost to return vehicles that have been refused prior 
approval can be very high and must be borne by the vehicle's owner(s).

The Department of Transportation (DOT) also has a web site.  I believe 
that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a 
division of DOT, would have a hand in issuing the proper paperwork for 
your car.

Vehicle Import Information (NHTSA)      202-366-5286

Good luck and let me know if any of this helped!

Jackson Zimmermann

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