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Mt. Tremblant Report

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Mt. Tremblant Report
From: Jim Hayes <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 01:12:56 -0400
I will try to not bore you with details (nor try your patience with 12
copies!), but the 4th annual Mt. Tremblant vintage races were again a
great weekend. ONly 80 cars came, which means lots of track time (three
25 minute practices on Sat and two ~20 minute races on sunday, plus an
all comers race at the end of the day (which I didn't stay for).
Great racing, nice weather (only the Jim Russel guys had to run in the
rain!) and as usual lots of great scenery and good food in the local
This event is one where the wives show up in force and lots of couples
stay for some more vacation in the alpine-esque area (esp. nice if you
are paying with $American).
Only one sour note. As you may know, VSCCA allows racers without roll
bars. Unfortunately, a TC without one overturned, trapping the driver
for a short time until rescue came. I understand the driver was not
injured badly, but it makes you think about the advisability of this
Kudos to organizer Claude Giroux, VSCCA event chairman Dick Fryberger
and crew. The event is planned for mid August next year, so make your
vacation plans now.
Jim Hayes  Winchester, MA, USA    
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!

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