I agree with Susan. For years I went to Monterey as a spectator and heard
all the stories about little track time and crowded paddocks. When HMSA
honored Lotus, I decided to go as a participant, and found the Earles to be
most gracious hosts. Despite the trek of 2500 miles for a two day event, I
will continue apply (as do 600 others) because it is one of the few places in
the US where you can have a full grid of period authentic cars with which one
can race, and what's wrong with insistance on tires that approximate the
performance of the cars when the were "really" racing. Obviously Steve and
Debbie are doing something right -- they have a hugely overscribed event and
have one of the biggest spectator draws in the world. I will complain about
anyone or anything that I think is bad for the sport, but I think the
comments about the Earles and Monterey are grossly unfair. Nobody is forced
to attend, and there are other alternatives, even at Laguna. While I believe
in democracy for our vintage organizations, if I were going to choose a
dictator to run my club, it would be Steve Earle.