Have to finally stick my nose in here. i don't understand all this muscle
power stuff. Especially from guys/gals that race some of the most
underpowered cars ever built. i. e. 948 sprites, formula vees, formula
juniors, etc. You must be getting your testosterone/estrogen boost from
your tow vehicles.
Very heavy, enclosed trailers excepted......
I pull a 16 foot dual axle open trailer with either the DSR, 1200 pounds (I
know its overweight) or my RX7 ITA, 2200 pounds at up to 90 mph with my 96,
V6, automatic, Toyota extended cab PU. Its a perfect around town, back and
forth to work vehicle and gets great gas milage doing both chores. The motor
home sits mostly idle these days except for local events where its nice to
have at the track.
My Toyota PU, besides its other lives as tow and daily driver is the points
leader in its class in the local autocross circuit. Not bad for $18,000.
Just wanted to put in a plug for sensible towing rigs and elbo the ribs of
the macho V8 people. LOL............see you at the races.........(I'll have
gotten there faster then you and have more money in my pocket, grin)