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To: "" <>
Subject: SVRA Sale
From: (Patrick Ryan)
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 21:13:02 -0500
According to reliable sources, the sale of SVRA was officially closed =
today.  SVRA's new sole owner is Peter McLaughlin from New Hampshire. =20

I am somewhat disappointed that we don't have 50-100 new owners but I am =
thankful for the change in structure and I have positive feelings about =
what Peter and his team plan for the future.  He has my best wishes and =
I will support him in any way I can.

Outgoing owners, Syd Silverman and Henry Payne, have given hundreds and =
hundreds of hours of their personal time to SVRA and their total =
compensation works out to about 15 cents an hour.  It is not easy to let =
go of something you love and it took three tries before they could say =
goodbye. In the end they did what they thought was best for everyone.  =
SVRA has been a great place to race for a long time thanks to people =
like Henry, Syd, Robert Pass, Mike Amalfitano, Bob Wechsler, Alex =
Quattlebaum, Ford Heacock and yes, Frank Rupp.  Although Frank has =
always been directly compensated for his work as General Manager, he has =
made SVRA his life since 1991 and it is in much better shape than when =
he came.  Frank will have a role in the new organization under Peter, as =
will Carl Jensen, Jack Woehrle, John Gardner and all the weekend staff =
you know and love.

Expect more details at Mid-Ohio next week.  I hope to see Henry and Syd =
there and I hope that many of the racers will take the time to look them =
up and say thanks for keeping the flame since 1989.  It burns brightly.

Racing Regards,

Pat Ryan

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