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Re: Cunninghams

To: Paul Fitzsimmons <>
Subject: Re: Cunninghams
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 05:12:54 -0700
Paul Fitzsimmons wrote:
> The museum in Naples, Florida was the Collier Museum, not the Cunningham
> museum.  It did have 3 or 4 Cuninghams on display, as well as a lot of
> other very nice cars.
> Six or seven years ago someone was bringing a Cuningham to vintage
> events in the midwest, including CHR, but I don't remember the car model
> or the owner.
> Paul Fitzsimmons

Actually, both.  Miles Collier bought the Cunningham collection in the
mid to late 80's and moved most of it to the museum in Naples to be
displayed with his fine collection of Porsches and other cars.  So the
museum in Naples become the site of both the Collier and previous
Cunningham collections.


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