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Re: one off????

Subject: Re: one off????
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 9:51:05 PST
Hey, Jerry how's things?  Is the annual CSRG social/meeting at Fantasy
Junction this weekend?  I can't seem to find the info.

Frame-off is mostly a misnomer these days anyway.  You can't pull a
Unibody car off the frame rails.  If frame-off is supposed to mean off
the frame, perhaps there is a relationship to one-off.  In the days when
car makers had fledgling assembly lines (never mind Henry Ford for the
moment), they would occasionally do customized cars for wealthy clients
off the main assembly line.  Perhaps one-off came from "one" car made
"off" the line.

Pretty good for a wild-ass-guess, huh?  ;=)


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