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Re: Vintage Racing Dilemma

Subject: Re: Vintage Racing Dilemma
From: (Syl's Sydney Homestay)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 00:30:51 +1100 (EST)
> (Syl's Sydney Homestay)
>Subject:Re: Vintage Racing Dilemma
>Andrew Pursey provided an extremely thoughtful and constructive reply to
>my earlier posting to the developing thread on Vintage Racing.
>Certainly I was not disparaging when stating that ">>Historic or Vintage
>Racing has virtually been relegated now to the Historic Sports and Racing
>Car Association of New South Wales (HSRCA) which is now racing vehicles up
>to the mid '70's."
>This statement was intended to acknowledge the role that the HSRCCA now
>plays in Australian vintage motor sport, given that the UK VSCCA boasts
>some 6000 members compared with how many? in the Australian VSCCA, which
>club is seeking ways to improve membership.
>You would have to go a long way to see a meeting better filled and run
>that that by the HSRCA at Eastern Creek mid September at which Sir Jack
>Brabham ran his 1966 World Championship Winning Car. On this same day were
>to be seen such cars as a 1920's Amilcars and Alvis;  1930's M,P and J
>type MG's; Salmson and others, along with touring cars of the '60's.
>But you're right - no Bentleys or Vauxhauls. These cars are seldom seen
>nowadays, the only exception that I can think of is the Bol d'Or event
>which seems to be gaining some popularity.
>Hopefully some further suggestions may be fortcoming as to ways to
>increase enthusiasm/membership of clubs aimed at supporting and
>encouraging the active competitive use of vintage racing/sports cars.

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