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Re: a spin on the physics

Subject: Re: a spin on the physics
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 07:34:22 -0700
> Can you guys say "rain line"?  In its most elemental sense, this just
> means driving where surface is less polished/slippery when its wet.
> Start "off line" and gradually work back toward the racing line,
> until the trade off between traction and efficient line is abpout
> equal.  This ain't rocket science, but it's one of the things that
> makes rain so much fun - and such a great equalizer. Enjoy.
> JH Bahn
> '66 Datsun FP roadster
> and part time driving instructor

Are you KIDDING???  In South Florida you better know about rain line or
you're in for a rude surprise!  Unfortunately, the treated area of the
drag strip was simply undrivable at any real speed... it was the worst
during the initial rain period as traction was still good on the rest of
the track but had already departed almost totally in the treated areas. 
It might have been "fun" except for the concrete retaining wall on the

I'm not sure I can say that racing, wheel-to-wheel, in the rain is
really fun.  It is the most intense form, perhaps, but fun?  Maybe for
the LEAD car!  Daytona in the rain is very tense, Sebring can be a
handful, Homestead makes you behave in the rain and Road Atlanta...
well, it's a first-rate course in any condition!

Now where DID I put my skinny tires...


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