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Dynamics of the TTO

Subject: Dynamics of the TTO
From: "John Trimble, Ph.D." <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 20:02:14 +0000
WOW! Thanks everyone. I've got enough pondering to do to last me for 
at least a day or two (;-)) Like some of you, I also learned "When 
in a spin, both feet in. When in doubt, both feet out." My teachers 
at Skip Barber were none other than Robbie ("don't lift") Buhl and 
Jeremy ("see, you can really take the kink alot faster than you 
think") Dale.

My interest in examining the mechanical dynamics of this sometimes 
spectacular event (TTO) is purely engineering curiosity. In case I 
don't get a chance to thank you personally at RA this weekend (w/ 
Dave Jordano, '73 Titan FF), thanks again. (PS - I'll create a 
summary and mail to anyone who is interested.)


John Trimble, Ph.D.
Packer Engineering, Inc.

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it"
Yogi Berra

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