The sense of camaraderie and gentlemanly behaviour is one of the most appealing
aspects of this
sport. As newbies to the racing game, we (my wife and I) continuously marvel
at the amiable,
co-operative atmosphere. (It's also nice to go reeeally fast.)
Actually, in my question, I sacrificed clarity for the sake of levity.
What really scares the poop out of me is the lawsuit from THE FAMILY after the
DEATH of the
fellow driver.
Stretching this hypothetical scenario till valve bounce, I am sure that if he
had lived, the chap
would have behaved quite spledidly about his squashed birdcage and would have
uttered "think
nothing of it old man" if I had offered a sixpack in compensation.
I don't think that the realities of this hypothetical incident, like who was at
fault or how
agressive my driving was judged to be, would stand a chance against the
onslaught of big bucks
atttorneys, so it's real nice to have an insurance company on your side.
Seems they are all hiding in the bushes, darn.
Malcolm Cox, Napa, CA
Vintage Race MGA #80, 1960