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Subject: Liability....
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 13:25:37 -0400
Some further comments on the subject...
I can think of at least 2 situations I have been involved with where it was
amazing to me how event participants think they need to sue the organizers,
when they were the one's who caused their own problems.

1 was the tragic and unfortunate accident that occured at the Silver State
Classic a few years ago when the doctor crashed his TR and killed his wife.
 The organizers weren't going to let him run as his tires weren't up to their
tech requirements.  He made a big deal about it and threatened to sue, and
said he'd sign a waiver taking full responsibility.  They gave in, then, he
crashed and tried to sue everyone....Ferrari, the organizers, etc.  I was
organizing the Virginia City Hillclimb the week after that, and he had been
signed up for our event also....I shudder to think what would have happened
if he had crashed at the hillclimb instead....

The other event I chaired was the official 2-day Ferrari track event after
the Monterey historics in '94.  We made it very clear to all the participants
what the requirements were relative to sound, tech, and driving.  One guy
with several cars entered got black flagged repeatedly for sound and was put
on the trailer with all of them (obviously, he didn't read the requirements
before trailering from New York).  Anyway, he's tried to sue the Ferrari club
for his expenses!!!  Pardon me, but, in my opinion, WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!  

When you get a large group of people together, even vintage racers, there's
going to be some that JUST DON'T GET IT....and continue to think that the
world revolves around them...a sad reflection on our times....

Myles H. Kitchen

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