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re: Math question

Subject: re: Math question
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 96 09:02:58 EDT wrote:
> I believe there is a formula for roughly figuring your top speed that
> involves computing the size of the tire, the rear axle ratio and the engine
> RPMs. Can anyone help?

And there have been a couple of good responses using Excel and a basic 
program, but if all you have is a calculator, here is the method:

        Speed in mph = .002975 x Wheel dia in inches x rpm
                                 axle ratio x gear ratio

The formula is derived as follows:

        Speed = wheel circumference in miles x wheel revs per hour

where:  wheel circumference in miles = Pi (3.1418) x diameter in inches
                                       12               x 5280
                                       (inches per foot)  (feet per mile)

and:    wheel revs per hour = engine revs per min x 60   (engine revs per hr)
                              axle ratio x gear ratio

You derive the wheel diameter from the tire data using the aspect ratio or 
measure it with a tape to get a rough result.  I think it is most accurate 
if you measure from the center of the axle to the ground and double it.

Peter Ross

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