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Re: Boiling Point of Water

Subject: Re: Boiling Point of Water
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 96 15:57:29 EDT
Simon Favre says: 
> I also have a cooling system pressure tester, which can be used to verify
> the system's ability to withstand the higher pressure.  Buy one.  You can
> also use it to test the caps.  I'd also recommend keeping a close eye on
> your hoses. Watch for signs of bulging.  They may blow. 

Very useful!!  I wish I had one.  I had a core/freeze plug blow out when I 
pressurized a system to 7 lbs when it previously wasn't.  My engine is 
metric dimensions and my machine shop fitted inch core plugs which were not 
quite big enough.  Close enough for atmospheric but not for 7 lbs. The 
moral is to source the plugs, measure them and fit them yourself, but it's 
the pressure test I like.

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