My, this is a quiet bunch- you'd never know from the traffic that we are now
up to 77 members! Please feel free to jump in with questions, answers, race
stories, event postings, etc.
The Vintage Race web is starting to stir, but still needs some work. Remember,
the ftp directory (/vintage, on is open for anyone to post
information, rules, tech info, or whatever, and pictures in the vintage/Images
directory. I'm still looking for some volunteers to help out with the web
bits- we need:
-Someone to finish entering the Clubs listings (Or who already has access to an
electronic version)
-1995 race schedules (we'll need '96 soon enough)
-introductory, how-to get started, and preperation FAQ's
The Vintage Race Web pages can be found at:
/___ _ \ Roger Garnett (
/| || \ \ Agricultural Economics | The Wayward Sports Car Centre
| |___|| _ | 3 Warren Hall |
| | \ | | | Cornell University |
\| \ |__/ / Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
\________/ (607) 255-2522 | Safety Fast!