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Recd error message when sent earlier=2E=C2=A0 Trying again=2E=C2=A0 Apologi=
es if it was a false error=2E
=E2=81=A3Sent from BlueMail =E2=80=8B
On Ja=
n 31, 2019, 8:13 PM, at 8:13 PM, Carl-TR <cfmtr3a@verizon=2Enet> wrote:
June, 1965 I drove 66 from Springfield, Illinois to LA=2E=C2=A0 In July,
1966 I drove "the southern route" (LA to ElPaso to SanAntonio to
) back to Spfld=2E=C2=A0 -- All in my 59 Tr3=2E=C2=A0
>Between those two =
trips I also drove from LA to SF to Vancouver to
>Regina, Sask=2E through M=
ontana, Idaho, Utah, LasVegas back to LA=2E=C2=A0 With
>side trips etc that=
totaled over 10,000 miles=2E
>I found my notebook from the 4,629 mile Ca=
nadian trip a couple years
>ago=2E=C2=A0 Avg gas price $=2E347=2E=C2=A0 27=
=2E55 mpg (km & liter converted to
>miles/gal)=2E Total cost not including =
food: gas/oil =3D 64=2E55=2E Lodging =3D
>138=2E60 (12 nights)=2E=C2=A0 Spl=
it cost & driving with a guy I worked with in
>LA from Warwickshire not far=
from Coventry=2E=C2=A0
>Sure couldn't do that again 54 years later=2E=C2=
=A0 After the Army I made an
>east coast run of about 3000 miles=2E=C2=A0 D=
idn't make it across the south in
>that Tr3=2E
>=E2=81=A3Sent from BlueMa=
il =E2=80=8B
>On Jan 31, 2019, 1:25 PM, at 1:25 PM, Randall <tr3driver@ca=
>>I won't get it done this year (again), but one of my=
"bucket list"
>>items is
>>to drive my TR3 over as much as is left of old =
Route 66, LA to Chicago
>>maybe the other way, haven't decided that y=
>>I'd love to go drive the Tail of the Dragon and the Blue Ridge =
>>day, but that will probably never happen=2E Just too dang=
far from
>>Maybe if I get Dad's TR3A running (which is in Missour=
i so not quite
>>away from those roads)=2E
>>-- Randall
>>56 T=
R3 TS13571L once and future daily driver
>>71 Stag LE1473 - awaiting engine=
>>71-2-3 Stag - awaiting gearbox rebuild
>>> Out of curiosit=
y, what are some of the destinations you are
>>> looking at? I would like t=
o do some long trips this summer in
>>> my TR4A, especially since I am reti=
ring this April=2E Already
>>> have plans to drive from Cincinnati to Watk=
ins Glen in
>>> September but summer is over by then=2E
>>> How about the r=
est of you guys?
>>** triumphs@autox=2Eteam=2Enet **
>>Donate: http:/=
>>Archive: http://www=2Eteam=2Enet/pipermai=
>** triumphs@autox=2Eteam=2Enet **
>Donate: http://www=2Eteam=2Enet/donat=
>Archive: http://www=2Eteam=2Enet/pipermail/triumphs
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<html><head></head><body><div dir=3D"auto">Recd error message when sent ear=
lier=2E=C2=A0 Trying again=2E=C2=A0 Apologies if it was a false error=2E<br=
<div dir=3D"auto"><!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->Sent from <!-- tmjah_g_=
1299e --><a href=3D"http://www=2Ebluemail=2Eme/r?b=3D14372";><!-- tmjah_g_12=
99s -->BlueMail<!-- tmjah_g_1299e --></a><!-- tmjah_g_1299s --> <!-- tmjah_=
g_1299e --></div>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote" >On Jan 31, 2019, at 8:13 PM, =
Carl-TR <<a href=3D"mailto:cfmtr3a@verizon=2Enet"; target=3D"_blank">cfmt=
r3a@verizon=2Enet</a>> wrote:<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"=
margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0=2E8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); pad=
ding-left: 1ex;">
<div dir=3D"auto">
In June, 1965 I drove 66 from Springf=
ield, Illinois to LA=2E In July, 1966 I drove "the southern route" (L=
A to ElPaso to SanAntonio to Texarkana) back to Spfld=2E -- All in my=
59 Tr3=2E
<div dir=3D"auto">
Between those two=
trips I also drove from LA to SF to Vancouver to Regina, Sask=2E through M=
ontana, Idaho, Utah, LasVegas back to LA=2E With side trips etc that =
totaled over 10,000 miles=2E
<div dir=3D"auto">
I fou=
nd my notebook from the 4,629 mile Canadian trip a couple years ago=2E =
; Avg gas price $=2E347=2E 27=2E55 mpg (km & liter converted to m=
iles/gal)=2E Total cost not including food: gas/oil =3D 64=2E55=2E Lodging =
=3D 138=2E60 (12 nights)=2E Split cost & driving with a guy I wor=
ked with in LA from Warwickshire not far from Coventry=2E
<div dir=3D"auto">
Sure couldn't do that again 54 years later=2E=
After the Army I made an east coast run of about 3000 miles=2E =
Didn't make it across the south in that Tr3=2E
<div di=
<!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->Sent from
<!-- tmjah_g_1299e -->
<a h=
<!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->Blu=
<!-- tmjah_g_1299e --></a>
<!-- tmjah_g_1299s -->
<!-- tmjah_g_1=
299e -->
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">
On Jan 31, 2019, at 1:25 PM, =
Randall <
<a href=3D"mailto:tr3driver@ca=2Err=2Ecom"; target=3D"_blank">=
tr3driver@ca=2Err=2Ecom</a>> wrote:
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" s=
tyle=3D"margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0=2E8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 2=
04); padding-left: 1ex;">
<pre class=3D"blue">I won't get it done this y=
ear (again), but one of my "bucket list" items is<br>to drive my TR3 over a=
s much as is left of old Route 66, LA to Chicago (or<br>maybe the other way=
, haven't decided that yet)=2E<br><br>I'd love to go drive the Tail of the =
Dragon and the Blue Ridge Parkway some<br>day, but that will probably never=
happen=2E Just too dang far from here=2E<br>Maybe if I get Dad's TR3A run=
ning (which is in Missouri so not quite so far<br>away from those roads)=2E=
<br><br>-- Randall <br>56 TR3 TS13571L once and future daily driver<br>71 S=
tag LE1473 - awaiting engine rebuild<br>71-2-3 Stag - awaiting gearbox rebu=
ild <br><br><br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin: 0pt =
0pt 1ex 0=2E8ex; border-left: 1px solid #729fcf; padding-left: 1ex;">
Out of curiosity, what are some of the destinations you are
<br> looki=
ng at? I would like to do some long trips this summer in
<br> my TR4A,=
especially since I am retiring this April=2E Already
<br> have plans=
to drive from Cincinnati to Watkins Glen in
<br> September but summer=
is over by then=2E
<br> How about the rest of you guys?
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** triumphs@autox.team.net **
Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://www.team.net/archive