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Re: [TR] J-Type Overdrive oddity

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] J-Type Overdrive oddity
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 08:31:47 -0800
Thread-index: AQGFuUmm6+a1FQb8CKZxPAZdJFEmNAIMu2IQnODWyiCAAHiNoA==
> I verified that the lock out switch was OK using a multi 
> meter beep test

Apologies if I've mentioned this before in this thread.  I have seen those 
switches fail in such a way that they would pass the
"beep test" and still not work properly in the circuit.  It's best to test them 
in-circuit, by checking how much voltage actually
gets to the solenoid (or relay if you have one).  Mine was showing a resistance 
of about 20 ohms, enough to make the DMM beep, but
not enough to reliably operate the relay.

> So, I am inclined to think that the oil is the problem. I am 
> also wondering
> about the filters but wondering how difficult these are to access on a
> J-Type unit. Special tools required?

No special tool for the suction filter, just undo the sump cover and pull the 
filter off.  You'll probably want a new gasket.

For the high pressure filter, you'll need a tool to unscrew the retaining plug. 
 I made a simple tool that worked well enough, by
drilling a heavy (approx 6mm thick by 30mm wide) iron bar for a couple of dowel 
pins to engage the plug, and letting the bar be the
lever.  There is a better home-made tool shown at

While you are in there with the special tool, I would also pull out the dashpot 
and relief valve for cleaning.  There are a lot of
precision sliding fits in that mechanism, and it only takes a tiny particle of 
metal to jam it.  The dashpot (and relief valve) have
to move to engage (or release) overdrive.


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