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Re: [TR] TR4

To: "'dave n'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR4
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:36:01 -0800
Thread-index: Ac/9wBjh0x4fWaBaRai1fJA4CQzbtwAAh4jA
> 1. is it possible to replace the pistons and liners without 
> pulling the
> engine?  

Definitely possible, I've done it more than once.  Biggest problem is cleaning 
up the mess that falls out of the cooling jacket onto
your bare crank journals (so wrap them in rags before pulling the liners).

> bad idea anyway?

Depends on a lot of things, including what your goals are and how bad the rest 
of the engine is.

My goal was to get the cars (all TR3As) back on the road ASAP, and I knew it 
was only a holding action.  Worked out quite well,
though, I'd do it again in the same situation.

> 2. is it better to pull the engine and tranny as a unit or 
> easier to pull just
> the engine?

I've always pulled the tranny when I've pulled the engine, which is the 
procedure in the manual.  Just mating the tranny to the
engine in the car is enough of a hassle, doing it the other way around would be 
much worse, IMO.  

> 3. I should remove the cross brace in front of the engine, 
> right?  

Yes, it has to come out to R&R the engine.  Get a copy of the workshop manual 
and follow the steps, that way you're less likely to
overlook things like the ground strap that aren't always obvious.


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