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[TR] Cleaning Stainless Steel

Subject: [TR] Cleaning Stainless Steel
From: mmarr at (Michael Marr)
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 20:39:52 -0500
References: <1748863842.1039553.1307624182353.JavaMail.root@vznit170060> <9BFBE6486B824690913034E0609A1369@Vista><> <>
> You might look for a product called Brasso or Bar Keeper's Friend.
"Shine your buttons with Brasso,
Brasso, tuppence a tin.
Buy it or nick it from Woolworth's,
But I don't think they have any in."

A couple of you, especially the English ones, will remember this little 
ditty, I am sure.

Mike (showing his age...) 

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