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[TR] tool storage

To: "" <>
Subject: [TR] tool storage
From: "Fisher, Ed" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 13:48:13 -0500
<I have a job, house, yard, mortgage, kid, wife, 2 dogs, and several needy
motorized vehicles.
<I'm sure it's better to put away the tools and wipe them down and make sure
all the Posidrives are pointed at Mecca. But if I lived by your maxim "if you
don't have time to clean up afterwards, you don't have time for the job", then
I wouldn't have time for the job. Period. I grab 30 minutes here and there
when I can get them, and consider myself fortunate to be able to.  I look
forward to the day when I have enough time to be more organized.>

Oh man, this really gave me a guffaw, especially "all the Posidrives toward
Mecca".  That is well written.

Admittedly, I wrote way more than the original question warranted, asking only
about a toolbox, but I thought it germane to the subject.  Just for the
record, I am not retired :).  I have eight cars that I care for, most on the
road and running, others in various phases of restoration.  I too am pressed
for time and that is why, as another post mentioned, looking for tools that
are not where they should be REALLY irks me.  It is costly in time and
frustration expended.  In addition, when I am putting everything up I can
easily see a void in the drawer, as in a 10mm socket that may have rolled down
the carport and is now in the grass.  Or, a screwdriver that may have been
left in one of the kids' cars that come over from the church.  That is
invaluable in keeping the losses down.  Mostly though, it is about time
conservation and keeping my boiling point low.  I have always had a short fuse
when needing something and finding it not in its place.  I guess that comes
from 50-60 hour workweeks, home maintenance, tractor repairs for the 3 acres I
care for, chainsaws, motorcycles, etc.  To each his own of course, this just
works for me and I thought this perspective might work out for someone
wondering how to organize their tools into a new box/space.  Thanks for the
laugh, no kidding.  BTW, I really liked the story of the hospital tray table
for working under the hood.  That is excellent.  I have a detailer's caddy
that I put together and use to keep me from running too frequently to the
other garage where my polishes/waxes/brushes are stored.  It really cut down
on the time there too.  I must find a hospital tray! By the way, my son used
his detailing knowledge while away at college to make some darned good money.
He even bought his own Porter Cable polisher.  Kids really do take to this

All the best,

Dallas, Tx

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