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Re: [TR] Not good with electrical

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [TR] Not good with electrical
From: "Joe Laurito" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 17:53:53 -0400
Nothin' to it..............

1. Pull into the garage.
2. Turn off the car.
3. Shut off the lights.
4. Get out of the car & walk to the back.
5. Open the trunk.
6. Recall that the lights need to be on and mutter a four letter word.
7. Walk back to the front and turn on the lights.
8. Walk back to the trunk and remove the groceries.
9. Place grocery bags on the floor.
10. Close the trunk.
11. Walk to the front and shut off the lights.
12. Walk to the back and pick up the grocery bags.
13. Exit the garage and place the grocery bags on the ground.
14. Close the garage door.
15. Pick up the grocery bags and walk to the front door.
16. Put the grocery bags on the ground.
17. Open the front door.
18. Pick up the grocery bags and go in the house.
19. Put the grocery bags on the floor.
20. Close the door.
21. Pick up the grocery bags and head for the kitchen.
22. Pour three fingers of Rebel Yell to ease the back pain while you put the
groceries away.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TR] Not good with electrical

 I have a 71 so I dont have to worry about this situation, but the biggest
problem I see about having the light only come on when the switch is on for
lights is getting into the trunk at night AFTER you have turned off the
car.? I am not in the habit of coming home from the grocery store after
dark, leave the engine running, unload the groceries then return to shut off
the car?? Or it would be pretty hard to turn off the headlight switch after
you had removed everything from the trunk and your hands were full of
whatever was in the trunk.? So, what do those people who have 74 and on up
cars do in that type of a situation?

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