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Re: [TR] TR3 Head gasket replacement

To: "'LT'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Head gasket replacement
From: "Jim Bauder" <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 15:20:37 -0700
It has been my experience with the TR3 engines that if they are creating white
smoke it is steam! Usually caused by a blown head gasket as you surmise! Oil
from worn valve guides or bad rings is usually darker and bluish, with a too
rich fuel mixture creating black smoke.

While to front cap is off I always replaced the timing cover gasket and front
seal, if there is a enough of a grove to feel with your fingernail on the front
of the crankshaft, install a SpeedeSleeve see:

While the timing cover is off be sure that the timing chain is in good shape and
the tensioner is working and not worn.

And for sure have the radiator rodded out and pressure tested for leaks. You
also might check the water pump shaft for wobble, the generator for proper
fitment and tightness of the mounting bolts.
I am sure there are some other things, but not to worry anything that was not
checked will fail as soon as it is all put back together!

Regards and good luck,

Jim Bauder
Cell: 480-309-9525
'68 TR250 CD47L
Scottsdale, AZ 

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of LT
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 1:05 PM
Subject: [TR] TR3 Head gasket replacement

I am going to do a head gasket replacement in the next week or so.

Read through the archives and found some info from a few persons.

Does anyone have any specific do's or dont's with the actual gasket and head

Have taken the front cowl off to repair the radiator (leak around the
neck) and was wondering if there are any other items I should tackle. 
(Crankshaft timing cover front oil seal)

The car is a 1957 TR3 which had a restore/rebuild around 1985 and has about 5000
miles on it since. Sat around for the last 5 years.

I had problems with white smoke exhaust after getting it started (wisp of steam
in the #1 cylinder when I pulled a plug). No sign of blown gasket or antifreeze

Head looks okay.

Any ideas would be appreciated as I don't want to do it a second time.

Thanking all in advance for any input.


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