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Re: [TR] TR3 Head gasket replacement

To: LT <>,
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Head gasket replacement
From: Tony Drews <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 15:41:26 -0500
You can review that section of my TR-3/4 motor building tips here:

You may want to try just retorquing the head on the off chance that 
it helps before pulling the head.

- Tony Drews

At 03:04 PM 5/10/2009, LT wrote:
>I am going to do a head gasket replacement in the next week or so.
>Read through the archives and found some info from a few persons.
>Does anyone have any specific do's or dont's with the actual gasket 
>and head installation?
>Have taken the front cowl off to repair the radiator (leak around 
>the neck) and was wondering if there are any other items I should 
>tackle. (Crankshaft timing cover front oil seal)
>The car is a 1957 TR3 which had a restore/rebuild around 1985 and 
>has about 5000 miles on it since. Sat around for the last 5 years.
>I had problems with white smoke exhaust after getting it started 
>(wisp of steam in the #1 cylinder when I pulled a plug). No sign of 
>blown gasket or antifreeze leak.
>Head looks okay.
>Any ideas would be appreciated as I don't want to do it a second time.
>Thanking all in advance for any input.

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