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Re: [TR] Bear with me

Subject: Re: [TR] Bear with me
From: "tom white" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:14:16 +0000
The down and dirty fix is to glue the
>lamp together, but this will eliminate the ability to ever change the bulb
>again in the future.
>Can anyone suggest a glue that will hold, yet remain soft enough to come
>apart in 5 or 10 years?  Both sides are that hard plastic like used on
>modern cars body panels.

I would not use glue for the reason mentioned.   Instead I would try to 
"cage" the two halves together with safety wire.  Start be making a grid of 
four wires secured together by twists at their meeting points.  Then place 
the grid over the lens, wrap the wires around the back of the lights and 
twist the ends together tight enough to hold things in place.  Do not twist 
the ends to tight for fear of breaking the lens.

Best regards,

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