On installing my wiring harness on my TR3A it seems that I have encountered an
unknown wire. This small light colored wire emerges along with the other
wires intended for the regulator. The wiring chart shows these wires for the
regulator: brown/blue, brown/white, yellow/green, yellow and black to the E
terminal. However, I have an extra light colored wire that seems to be that
is just about the same color as the faded yellow (which happens to be a
thicker gauge wire.)
It does not extend to the fuse block wiring, however, it seems to be connected
to the white line from the fuse block to the key switch. Of course, both
white wires to the fuse block are in good order so why would there be an extra
white wire running to the regulator? The white with red line to the solenoid
had also been previously accouted for.
Could someone help please?
Paul Dorsey
60 TR3A
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