> I'm hoping that someone on the list might have an extra
> temperature gauge in
> a spares box that they'd be willing to sell. I need the full
> assembly,
> gauge, line and bulb (is that like hook line and sinker?)
> I'm finally
> getting closer to getting TRAN TS 77810L street ready.
Does it need to work, or are you interested in a core for rebuilding ?
FWIW, if original appearance isn't critical, you can buy a 2" mechanical
gauge at most parts stores that will fit and work fine. Mine is a "Sunpro"
model with white on black and a chrome surround that only looks mildly out
of place with the other original gauges. And I rather like the wider sweep
(270 degrees instead of 90) and finer graduations. Only modification
required was running power to it's internal light (no window for the
original dash light). At night, it's the only gauge I can read easily !
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