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[TR] TR4 carb questions

Subject: [TR] TR4 carb questions
From: Donald Mostrom <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 14:45:30 -0700 (PDT)
I have a few qeustions concerning a carburetor set-up on my TR4. It originally 
came with Zenith-Stromberg 175 CD carbs. The rear carb started leaking gas 
rather profusely, and on taking it apart, the rear float had a hole in it. On 
checking the suppliers, this part is no longer available. 
  1. Does anyone know of a supplier for floats to fit the earlier ZS 175 CD 
  2. Would the floats for the later ZS carbs from the TR250/TR6 fit these units 
from a TR4?
  3. Moss et. al. have a nice price on a new set of SU HS6 carbs as used in the 
TR4a. I understand that the 4a's had a central throttle hookup. Has anyone used 
HS6's on an earlier car with the throttle hookup on the front of the carb set? 
And how complicated is that to do?
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