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RE: [TR] GT6 Questions

Subject: RE: [TR] GT6 Questions
From: Cameron Rooke <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 16:17:37 -0400 (EDT)
According to, the mk2/+ was manufactured from July 1968 - Dec 1970. The 
confusion is probably due to the original registration dates of the cars vs. 
the manufacture dates. Many times in the past, vehicles would sit for a while 
and be registered based on the date of purchase as opposed to the 'model year'.

'71 GT6 (manufacture date, '72 registered) wrote: H wrote:
> I was under the impression that the change over from Mk1
> to Mk2 was mid-68 meaning that there are '68 Mk2's.

Could be.  I think I seem to recall remembering vaguely that 
I've heard of '69 Mk1's too.  And '81 Spitfires.  In any case, the 
differences between a GT6 and a GT6+ are quite obvious, and 
CEW is looking at a '70 anyway.  For all we know, it could be a 
pre-release Mk3!

Jim Muller, quite happy with his '70

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