> I agree that this may be a tempest in a teacup.
It probably is. Are you willing to bet your life on it ?
Just a thought experiment : Take an ordinary paper clip and try to pull it apart
with your hands. Can't do it, the tensile strength is far beyond what a human
can pull. Now bend it back and forth a few dozen times. Before long, it will
break in two ! You've exceeded it's "fatigue life" and it failed. If you knew
just when to try, there is a point before it breaks where you can pull it apart
with your bare hands ... every fatigue cycle weakens it just a bit.
Now how many times does the entire caliper flex (yes, they flex, you can measure
it if you try) over it's lifetime ? If the caliper flexes, do the bolts flex ?
If they flex, they fatigue.
I'm not saying those long-ago Girling engineers were right ... but they were
professional mechanical engineers ! And had access to data that we lack ...
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