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RE: Dash Holes

To: <>
Subject: RE: Dash Holes
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:02:07 -0700
> Which bring us to another question.  Reviewing the pictures I took as I
> disassembled the car, the speedometer was on the left and the tach on the
> right.  I believe someone on the list mentioned it's supposed to be tach on
> the left and speedometer on the right?

Terry, there was a changeover point.  Earlier LHD cars had the speedo on the
left (as did all RHD cars).  Most of the documentation shows the dash this way,
so it's not at all uncommon for people to interchange them as they put the
gauges back into the dash.  But I believe your car should have the speedo on the

ISTR the dash pressing for TS11xxx didn't have the hole for the reset shaft on
the right, but I could be mistaken.  My later dashes have holes on both sides,
so the speedo can be fitted in either location.


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