I've had it go the other way, too. The hood vibrates the bumper and the
bolt down, so the bolt is touching the wiper motor. The two nuts on that
bolt need to be snugged together well or the chain reaction starts in.
As if that was an electrical connection you NEEDED to work - well you
know THAT story. You just can't help but laugh.
Steinman, Bill wrote:
>Excellent idea! Funny you should mention that. My girlfriend and I
>were driving home from the office later that day, and before setting out
>I checked the oil. I noticed that the driver's site bumper cone was
>stuck in the bonnet. The nut and washer had clearly vibrated loose and
>I could see them nestled in the corner under the wiper motor where the
>footwell meets the cowl. I fished them out, put them in my pocket (yes,
>I set out without tools on the first day -- I should know better). When
>I got home I put everything back where it belonged. I'm sure what
>happened is that as the nut and washer were just about to fall off the
>threaded pin, they were in contact with the wiper motor housing.
>Thanks so much!