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Re: Winding Road, next 77 miles (long - part 5)

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Winding Road, next 77 miles (long - part 5)
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 12:42:02 -0400
Very interesting story, Ken.  Would you have a map gif you could put 
online somewhere?

The summer after I graduated from college two friends, my twin 
brother, and I went on a 10,000 mile journey from Virginia to 
California and back in a VW bus, hitting various national parks along 
the way.  It left quite a memory and lots of pictures.  Your story 
revived the memories.

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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