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RE: part one was way long. here is the 2nd part of one (sorry)

To: <>
Subject: RE: part one was way long. here is the 2nd part of one (sorry)
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 06:46:50 -0700
> They were able to sell me a new connection, loan me a tube cutter
> and in less than an hour, all was well, but I was starting to have serious
> misgivings about this whole scheme.

All part of driving an old car, Ken.  At least it only dripped, you didn't get
scalded by a major leak at the gauge !  And now you know why I like the original
steel oil line, rather than plastic.

Adventures like yours always look better looking back, plus now you'll have most
of those sorts of problems sorted out.  Next time (and I don't doubt there will
be a next time) will be better.

Coming to Triumphest ?


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