List at Large
I have spent the morning on various correspondence with Listers. It dawned on
me that I am very fortunate. The Triumphs are fun but it is the triumph
People that make the difference
I have been involved in British cars from a very early age, in a geographic
area that is not exactly full of them.
My first son, Sean, was wrenching on a TR4A at a very early age, and both of
my sons are very good drivers and have vintage credentials.
Sean runs at Blackhawk on Sunday and I know he has an eye on the Family
Fastest Lap (held by me). I hope he does it. In addition, his three children
be camping with us at the track, and I get to be "Papa Joe". And my triumph
Friends will be there, too. The ones that didnt go to Grattan to race, that is.
I have two nice TRs and they are legacy cars to my sons. I have no concern
about the future of those cars.
Enough for this Maudlin Moment.