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tr6 overdrive

To: <>, "6pack" <>
Subject: tr6 overdrive
From: "Alan Salvatore" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 22:59:59 -0400
J overdrive question.

My overdrive has been kicking off after about an hour or so of driving.
If i stop for about 10 minutes it will come back on.
Its very annoying at 85 mph when it kicks out .especially on the 12 hour trip
to TRF's summer party.
I checked all the wire connections and they seem tight.
It seems to me that the solenoid may be starting to fail.

Has anyone experienced a similar symptoms?

As luck would have it I noticed a grinding sound coming from the front end
about a 1/2 hour from TRF.
I wanted to thank the Cars staff at TRF for taking me in first thing friday
morning and getting me squared away.(wheel bearings)

Al Salvatore

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