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Re: TR4 Rollbar

To: "Craig Foch" <>, <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Rollbar
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 20:32:10 -0400
> Okay, so the so-called street rollbars are worthless in the
> event of a rollover (because they bolt to sheet metal instead
> of the frame).

Even if the rollbar was bolted to the frame, you would most likely have your
brains left all over the roadside in the event of a roll over.  There is a
reason that all race sanctioning bodies, that I am aware of, require the
roll bar in an _open_ car to be a certain measurement above the upper most
helmet position of the driver.  In most of our British cars, having a roll
bar that meets that standard means you'll have to live without any
convertible or removable hardtops.

On the street, even if you have a proper roll bar, you have no guarantee
that your standard lap belt or 3-point belt is going to keep you from
sliding out and smashing your head into the ground as you roll.  I also see
way too many cars equiped with street grade roll bars and no padding on the
roll bar tubes.  Just another sure way to really mess your head up, no
matter what type of accident.

A street grade roll bar would be more properly called a style bar; it adds
no safety and even then the addition of such a bar is really a matter of

But to put in perspective, you really have to work to flip one of our small
cars on public roads.  Yet you have little or no control over the SUV driver
who will t-bone you at 50mph, which will surely kill you if he hits you in
the driver's side.

Kai (Ford Explorers seem particularly attracted to my TR6)

Kai M. Radicke
Wishbone Classics
* British Car Parts *
Ph: 215.945.7250

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