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Primary coil resistance?

To: Triumph List <>, 6 Pack list <>
Subject: Primary coil resistance?
From: Joe Merone <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 12:59:18 -0700 (PDT)
Last week I wrote that my 1974 TR6 was missing and
stumbling under load - just two days after I had
adjusted the valves and actually thought that it was
running good.  

Well it turns out that I misread the manual and had
the valves opened WAY TOO MUCH.  It's a wonder it ran
smoothly at all.  So I re-adjusted them but it still
ran like crap - rough, no power, fouling the plugs,
etc.  Something else went wrong at the same time. 
Weird coincidence?  It must be right?  So with nowhere
to go I pulled my Pertronix and put the points back
in.  VOILA!  Runs great.  

I called Pertronix and while helpful they seem
convinced that it's not the unit itself since it
didn't completely die (as it would in a failure).  The
tech says that I may have a low voltage problem
because the ignition points will run on low voltage
while a Pertronix won't.  So I did the checks:

Battery to positive side of the coil (engine off) -
12.45 volts

Ignition key on, wire attached from negative coil
terminal to engine ground, voltage read from positive
coil terminal to different engine ground - 8.05 volts.

Resistance across coil terminals with all wires off -
3.5 ohms.  It's a Bosch coil (aprox. 20 years old).

Does anything sound out of sorts hear? 

Joe Merone
Not an electrical kind of guy but I play one in my


The problem is that I really like the Pertonix unit   

But I am concerned about the numbers I've been getting
after troubleshooting some of the electrics.  



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