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pertronix ignitor ignition

To: (Triumphs List)
Subject: pertronix ignitor ignition
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 18:56:54 +0000
Well, I just read another report here on the list of yet another pertronix 
ignition unit failing.  That is FOUR that I know of right off the top of my 
head.  It seems that these units are a little delicate.  We do not hear of 
points failing so severely that a tow is required this often!
So, what is the problem with the pertronix units?  Maybe there is no problem, 
and we are seeing a lot of failures because there are just so many of these 
things in use.  However, maybe there is something that we are doing to them 
that makes them fail.  Maybe it gets roasted if we leave the ignition on too 
long without the engine running.  Maybe the sport coils that some of us use are 
drawing too much current and cook the pertronix.  BUT, in the failures I have 
seen or heard about, there was no clear user-induced damage that was obvious.
So, maybe we should avoid the pertronix units?

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