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stuck head on TR2

To: "List" <>
Subject: stuck head on TR2
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:03:20 -0500

While driving the 54 TR2 over the weekend it developed a miss that was traced
to two of the three exhaust springs on #3 cylinder were broken.  Relatively
easy fix but the head is stuck fast.  I spent the better part of the afternoon
tugging, jerking and banging to say nothing of the new language that was
learned.  I have squirted penetrant down the studs and banged repeatedly with
a block of wood and hammer to no avail.  Don't want to use the rope in the
spark plug hole for fear of breaking loose the liners.  It is the low port
head with a TS1297E number.  Any suggestions.

Lou Metelko
Auburn, Indiana

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