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Re: unasked-for progress report

To: "Jim Muller" <>
Subject: Re: unasked-for progress report
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:21:02 -0300
Cc: "triumphs" <>
References: <40DF2E5E.23926.7663080@localhost>
Hey Muller:  After reading (and reading) about the tribulations of
transmission removal you seem to have forgotten to enlighten your readers on
the cause of the chattering; or is there part two to this saga.  I wonder if
the transmission mount is the culprit?  Tune in folks.

Bob Roberts
TR$$ 35411CT

----- Original Message -----
From "Jim Muller" <jimmuller at>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 9:30 PM
Subject: unasked-for progress report

> Fellow Triumphisti (Fellow Triumvirates?),
> Nobody asked for this but I just completed a task that was quite
> odious, or at least difficult.  Now that I am finished (or should
> that be it is finished) for now, I am pleased enough to want to share
> it.  And to complain a bit too.
> For some months the Spitfire's gearbox has been making a strange
> intermittent clicking/knocking sound while (or should that be whilst)
> in 1st gear.  The knocks are occasionally accompanied by feelable
> jolts to the shifter, and about once a month or so it actually jumps
> our of gear.  Not good.  No other gear does this and the OD has been
> working perfectly.  Since the GT6 is now running very well (knock on
> wood) and I haven't been driving the Spitfire much lately anyway I
> figured it was time to pull the Spitfire's gearbox and fix whatever
> the trouble was.  Or more likely, let Quantum Mechanics fix it.  Or
> maybe at least open it up and see if I can see the trouble before
> committing dollars for someone else to do it.
> The big accomplishment was actually getting the gearbox out of the
> car.  It took me two days (though not full days, I admit).  I've
> pulled the gearbox from the Spitfire before but it was two decades
> ago when I was much younger.  I've done the GT6 several times
> recently and gotetn good at it.  Neither the GT6 nor my previous
> experience with the Spitfire involved an OD gearbox though.  With OD
> that sucker is HEAVY!  Plus, there are a bunch of little things that
> made the Spitfire a pain in the butt.  F'rinstance, the starter motor
> can't be removed easily because the steering column is in the way.
> At least I could free it from the bell housing.  The cardboard splash
> guards on the engine compartment make access impossible, but removing
> them means undoing screws rusted into thingys mounted on the
> cardboard.  (I may choose not to re-install the splash guards; am
> open to advice on that issue.)  The cable between bell housing and
> frame that keeps the engine from flying forward in the event of hard
> braking or an accident is so danged stiff that you (or at least I)
> couldn't get it out of the hole in the bell housing, so I had to
> crawl underneath and remove it at its frame attachment first.  I had
> to pull one wheel off just to improve accessibility to underneath.
> (Okay, so my garage is too small and too cluttered.)  More than one
> of the bolts seemed to be positioned so as to be unreachable.  Hell,
> even my Fiats were easier to work on than that, or so I remember.
> Ah, don't mind me.  I'm just glad to have it pulled, like it was a
> bad tooth.  The real fun will begin when I try to put it back in...
> --
> Jim Muller
> '80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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