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RE: oil problem

To: "Randall Young" <>, "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: RE: oil problem
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 09:11:57 -0700
References: <>
I am interested in the thread about oil pump failures...what are the 
symptoms? (other than no oil pressure).  I have noticed a "clunk, 
clunk" sound when the engine is cold and under load, I would normally 
link that to bearing failure (imminent), but that does not seem to be 
the case, it goes away with more RPM and the engine runs very 
smoothly at normal speeds.

So  I  am beginning to wonder if this is a pre-cursor to oil pump 
failure...any and all ideas accepted.

Thanks for your time.

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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